Welcome to my Winter ⛄️ Newsletter

With the passing of the Winter Solstice last week, I’m sure many of you have been doing some deep inner processing, going within, this is the essence of winter. Winter brings with it the time to snuggle into bed, rest and nurture oneself and take the time to process deep emotions that come up for us.

All my teachings that I share in my sessions and in my emails contain little chunks of golden wisdom where you can choose to take these suggestions on and if you put them into place you will find that your whole world can change for you.

Being present with our thoughts, emotions and feelings is of the essence, for me it’s the highest form of healing that I see is available to us, if we care to allow ourselves the time to be present and observe each sensation in our body, allowing the emotions to wash through us and dissolve into unconditional love. If you need  support in doing this or a refresher of this process, do be in touch.

What’s New with my book
As promised above I have a few new things brewing in the ether, I’m so excited to share that my book is in the ‘Review’ stage, – woo hoo, the next stage is editing, designing the cover, publishing, then planning a book launch which I’m aiming at for late October.

My book has come from inside me like nothing I’ve felt before, there was no denying that I had to get it out of me and write it and it kept pestering me until I did.

It offers so many free and easy suggestions on how to move through life’s challenges from a energetic and spiritual perspective. I’m sure it will be a great handbook for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, long term illnesses and much more.

he next exciting news is that I am taking my offering of ‘Day of Transformation’ to the:

Mind Body and Spirit Festival

so if you are in Melbourne during November 10th, 11th and 12th November, do come and visit me at my awesome stand, I’m currently booked into D12.

‘Day of Transformation’ is a total day of self love, spending five hours with me, including Reiki and transformational processes to assist with life’s
challenges, emotions, stress, anxiety, depression etc, we move through a lot in the day!.

We also have a gorgeous vegan lunch, a lovely walk along the O’Shannassy Aquaduct trail and some divine intuitive messages.

What’s even better about the ‘Day of Transformation’ is that it’s the perfect time to treat yourself and take a night or two out to assist with the processing of your day and stay in the gorgeous accomodation which is onsite, and enjoy a deep bath in spring water with Organic Rose Bath Salts – ohh la la, so yummy.
This month we have a really lovely heart centred event happening on Sunday the 23rd of July

Kirtan is call and response chanting of mantras with music – a devotional, meditative practice.Warburton locals Briony & Govinda are joined by Devatma to lead you in an afternoon Kirtan. If you want to hear human angels singing come along! it’s so beautiful. Chai and a sweet from 3pm; Kirtan at 3:30pm; concluding with a vegan meal served at around 5:30pm.

The event is by donation, collected at the event. Donations will be going to the local ‘Koha Community Dinner’ to assist with the blessed work that they do, offering a wonderful vegetarian meal each Thursday evening to the community, completely organised from volunteers within our community.

If you are interested in attending please keep in touch with our fb as an event hasn’t yet been created.
Well that’s about it ! phew, lots of exciting news shared with you all. I trust you have a wonderful winter season enjoying warm fires, hot chocolates, and a trip to the snow, also that you are looking forward to the oncoming spring where we begin to open up like beautiful flowers and shine.
Many blessings
Love and light always ????????????

Jennie de Vine
Universal Reiki
Diamond Light Healing Centre

For bookings Ph 0438 706 135

Gifts available:- handmade soaps and nurturing bath salts, crystals, gift cards, vouchers and oracle cards
A testimonial from one of my lovely clients. 

I first consulted Jennie for her Universal Reiki as I was having an extremely difficult time with serious family, health and my own anxiety/depression issues. I had heard of Reiki but wasn’t sure what it entailed. As medication and counselling weren’t really helping me because I was so emotionally and physically unwell I decided to give Reiki a try. I found Jennie and went to my first session with an open mind.

Wow – that healing session was amazing. I came away from that first healing with a completely different outlook on life and with all my anger, anxiety and stresses gone. I have opened my heart and mind to my spiritual side and can’t believe what a complete turnaround I have had from doing this. My friends and family can’t believe the difference in me and life is now worth waking up for each day.

The situations in my family life haven’t really changed but I can now deal with these issues in a much better way without causing myself worry, anxiety and stress. I have learnt, through Jennie, to take one day as it comes and not worry about what “might” happen in my life.

I have since had 1 further healing with Jennie which has just cemented what I have learnt and felt and will continue to see Jennie for a little while longer.

I can highly recommend Jennie for healing. She is a lovely lady with a very kind, gentle heart and soul who I connected with immediately. She has made a huge difference in my life and for that I thank her each and every day. I can now go forward and live my life to the fullest.

Marlise Vickery.  April 2017