Hooray – after a couple of years in the making, my book has arrived at the printers, due to be released into the world mid October.

My hope is for the book to help as many people as it possibly can, with the tools enclosed.

‘Rise Above Life’ – Transform Stress, Anxiety & Depression by Jennie de Vine, is here to help you look at life from a different perspective. Know that you can change your life around if you so desire.  It’s filled with free and easy tools to use on a daily basis, to move your life from stress, anxiety and depression into one of ease and grace.

I bring this book to you, after spending 22 years, studying energy healing modalities, working with friends, clients and my own personal healing journey.

To order this book – click here

Testimonial – I have personally worked through these tools in Jennie’s book, when I have experienced stress, anxiety and depression, and found great relief.   After continuing to use them on a daily basis my stress levels were down, my anxiety is non existent and my depression is in the past. I found a job I love so much, a man I am having a lovely relationship with, and my life has changed around, I am peaceful and filled with joy.  Jennie has helped me so much. Thanks Jennie ???? – Harriet M, 29/10/23


